Hi there! I’m Kerry Petsinger, the founder of Your Streamlined Life. I am on a mission to empower people all over the world to come alive and spend their time doing what they love.

I believe life is way too short to be spent stuck in the daily grind, doing things that aren’t important to you.

I’m here to give you hope that you really can spend your time doing what you love, and the permission to do so.

Why “Your Streamlined Life?”

I named this site Your Streamlined Life because I truly believe that streamlining your life is the key to living a fulfilling life, no matter who you are, where you’re from, and what your goals are. When you streamline your life, you are able to focus your time on what matters most to you. You can become the Best You possible, feel alive and fulfilled, and build your legacy. When you streamline your life, you have the confidence to get rid of the things that aren’t important to you. You have a focused vision and are goal-oriented and efficient.

My personal journey with streamlining my life began several years ago. As a Doctor of Physical Therapy, I loved my patients and coworkers, but felt stuck, and felt like there was something more. When I became a mom to 3 kids within 19 months, my desire to streamline my life and focus only on what mattered to me completely intensified. I knew so many people who were stuck in jobs they didn’t like for years, and knew so many people who were struggling with balancing everything in life, and I set out to find and do work I love, spend time with people I love, truly live life focused on my priorities. I vowed to own my time and design my life the way I dreamed it would be.

With a lot of self-discovery, stepping out of my comfort zone, and taking massive action, I revamped my entire life. I discovered my passions, prioritized my time, and now I spend my days doing what I love. It’s taken a lot of hard work, but it has changed me in all areas of my life and I am incredibly grateful for this amazing journey.

Now I’m on a mission to help people all over the world spend their time doing what they love.

This site has seen massive growth since I started it not long ago. My “30 Powerful Questions to Find Your Passion” workbook has been used by people in 104 countries. People from all over the world have joined me and are streamlining their lives so they can do what actually matters to them.

How can streamlining your life help you?

Have you ever…

  • wondered what your passions are?
  • wished there was more time in the day to do what you really love to do?
  • felt unorganized and overwhelmed by your possessions?
  • desired to have more money so you could own your time?
  • wished you could take back your life, your health, and your schedule?
  • wondered how to gain a tribe of supportive friends?

Streamlining is beneficial in many aspects of life, including but not limited to:

  • Focusing On Your Priorities. Defining the ideal you, discovering your passions, and realizing the dent you want to make on the world are essential steps to living a streamlined life.
  • Time Management. Having a schedule will allow you to maximize your 24 hours of each day.
  • Decluttering Your Life. Getting rid of the extra “noise” in your life allows you to focus on what is most important to you.
  • Finances. Setting financial goals, developing financial literacy, and establishing multiple streams of income all contribute to increased monetary success and having more options to do what you love with your time.
  • Wellness. A streamlined life is fueled by healthy choices, so you can feel your best to be your best every day.
  • Your people. Surrounding yourself with supportive, encouraging people will enable you to pursue the life of your dreams.

I welcome you to join me and my community of awesome people from all over the world as we work on spending our lives doing what we love.

As Howard Thurman said, “Don’t ask yourself what the world needs. Ask yourself what makes you come alive and then go do that. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.”

I look forward to getting to know you and helping you come alive! I’m so excited about your journey to a more fulfilling, successful, streamlined life.